All Institutes have well equipped libraries as per the norms of PTU. These cater for syllabi as also subjects of general interest. Each library subscribes to Journals Which are of relevance for students aspiring to appear in various competitive exams.
From the inception of the institute, greater importance is given to the development of the institute library. The library is mainly devoted for technical books. The Students and staff at SIMT have access to model libraries which provide a dynamic and creative space for learning. The Library is heart of an institute and whatever is the subject of reference, libraries are an invaluable resource. The Central Library functions as the primary information resource centre and repository of all printed and e-resources for teaching and research activities at the institute. Apart from textbooks and recommended reading material prescribed for each course offered at the institute, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, handbooks, and so on.
The College library has a collection of about 350 books. It subscribes to books related to the computer science and IT field, course related books, literature books and newspapers. The library situated likely to allow in more light and air.